Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Bahaya Merokok

Bahaya Merokok — Jauhi Merokok !

Sudah banyak penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa merokok selain menyebabkan kecanduan juga menyebabkan banyak gangguan kesehatan, seperti kanker, impotensi, penyakit jantung, penyakit pernapasan, penyakit pencernaan, efek buruk bagi kehamilan dan janin, dan masih banyak lagi.

Bila melihat sejarahnya, merokok untuk pertama kalinya dilakukan oleh suku bangsa Indian di Amerika. Merokok oleh bangsa Indian dilakukan untuk keperluan ritual seperti memuja dewa atau roh. Selanjutnya pada abad ke 16, Ketika bangsa Eropa menemukan benua Amerika, sebagian dari para penjelajah Eropa itu ikut mencoba-coba menghisap rokok dan kemudian membawa tembakau ke Eropa. Kebiasaan merokok kemudian mulai muncul di kalangan bangsawan Eropa. Tetapi, berbeda dengan bangsa Indian yang merokok untuk keperluan ritual, di Eropa orang merokok hanya untuk kesenangan. Sampai akhirnya pada abad 17 para pedagang Spanyol masuk ke Turki dan saat itu kebiasaan merokok mulai masuk negara-negara Islam.

Racun pada Rokok
Dalam sebatang rokok terkandung sekitar 4000 macam zat kimia. Zat kimia yang dikeluarkan ini terdiri dari komponen gas (85 persen) dan partikel. Nikotin, gas karbonmonoksida, nitrogen oksida, hidrogen sianida, amoniak, akrolein, asetilen, benzaldehid, urethan, benzen, methanol, kumarin, 4-etilkatekol, ortokresol dan perylene adalah sebagian dari beribu-ribu zat di dalam rokok.

Dari sekitar 4000 macam zat kimia yang ada dalam rokok , setidaknya 200 diantaranya dinyatakan berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia. Racun utama pada rokok adalah tar, nikotin, dan karbon monoksida.
* Tar adalah substansi hidrokarbon yang bersifat lengket dan menempel pada paru-paru.
* Nikotin adalah zat adiktif yang mempengaruhi syaraf dan peredaran darah. Zat ini bersifat karsinogen, dan mampu memicu kanker paru-paru yang mematikan.
* Karbon monoksida adalah zat yang mengikat hemoglobin dalam darah, membuat darah tidak mampu mengikat oksigen.

Efek Racun
Efek racun pada rokok ini membuat pengisap asap rokok mengalami resiko (dibanding yang tidak mengisap asap rokok):

* 14x menderita kanker paru-paru, mulut, dan tenggorokan
* 4x menderita kanker esophagus
* 2x kanker kandung kemih
* 2x serangan jantung

Merokok merupakan penyebab utama dari sekitar 90% kasus kanker paru-paru pada pria dan sekitar 70% pada wanita. Semakin banyak rokok yang dihisap, semakin besar resiko untuk menderita kanker paru-paru.

Rokok juga meningkatkan resiko kefatalan bagi penderita pneumonia dan gagal jantung, serta tekanan darah tinggi.

Kenapa kita harus berhenti merokok ? Karena …..

Merokok jelas-jelas menyebabkan banyak gangguan kesehatan, tidak hanya bagi perokok itu sendiri tapi juga orang-orang disekitarnya, seperti yang sudah banyak dibuktikan oleh para peneliti. Banyak fakta juga menunjukan bahwa merokok membebani ekonomi keluarga untuk tujuan yang tidak produktif.

Jadi … kalau anda sayang pada diri anda sendiri, sayang pada keluarga, peduli dengan orang-orang sekitar anda, dan juga lingkungan anda ….. Berhentilah Merokok !

Lebih baik uang anda di belanjakan untuk hal-hal yang membuat anda lebih sehat … baik jasmani maupun rohani. Anda bisa berbuat lebih baik dengan tidak merokok.

> Sumber :

Tips Agar Rambut Cepat Panjang dan Sehat

Pada umumnya rambut akan bertambah panjang 1,5 cm setiap bulan. Tetapi, ada juga orang yang rambutnya tumbuh lebih lambat, dan ketika akhirnya mencapai panjang tertentu, kemudian patah. Sayang banget kan, meskipun panjang jadi kurang indah kelihatannya. Nah jika kamu punya masalah seperti ini, atau.. punya obsesi yang sama seperti aku??? :D. Ini dia tipsnya...:

1.Mulailah mengatur makanan yang dikonsumsi.
Pilih makanan yang mengandung sayuran hijau dan buah manis. Produk susu dan yogurt juga baik untuk rambut. Demikian juga dengan kelapa. Hindari makanan olahan atau kalengan. Makanan dengan pengawet buatan dan bahan kimia tambahan tidak akan memberi manfaat gizi untuk tubuh dan badan. Minuman dingin juga mengganggu proses pencernaan dan asimilasi zat gizi. Bumbu seperti lada hitam bermanfaat untuk kesehatan rambut. Tambahkan bumbu ini ke dalam sup atau masakan lain.

2.Perlancar aliran darah di kepala.
Untuk merangsang pertumbuhan rambut cobalah memperlancar aliran darah di kepala sehingga pasokan nutrisi menjadi lebih banyak ke daerah rambut:

•Pijat kulit kepala setiap hari. Sebab, selain untuk memperlancar aliran darah, pijatan ini juga bermanfaat untuk membersihkan rambut baru yang sulit untuk tumbuh akibat lapisan kotoran, minyak, dan sel-sel kulit yang lama. Pijat dengan lembut kulit kepala dengan sikat khusus kulit kepala atau dengan jari-jari tangan selama 2 menit sebelum mandi, pada saat keramas maupun dalam keadaan kering. Hal ini tidak hanya memperkuat akar, tetapi akan mendorong pertumbuhan rambut lebih cepat.

•Sebelum tidur tundukkan kepala dan sikat rambut dengan lembut mulai dari akar sampai ujung rambut.

•Lakukan senam yang mengutamakan kekuatan jantung seperti aerobik dan joging. Kegiatan ini memacu jantung untuk memompa darah lebih cepat ke seluruh tubuh sehingga nutrisi yang sampai ke daerah akar rambut pun menjadi cepat.

•Hindari stres karena dapat berakibat serius dalam jangka panjang dan mempengaruhi warna rambut. Cobalah atur waktu dan tugas untuk meminimalisasi tekanan. Lakukan rileksasi/meditasi.

3.Hilangkan ujung rambut yang rusak.
Ujung-ujung rambut yang rusak (kering maupun pecah-pecah) akan merambat ke batang rambut dan menyebabkan batang rambut ikut rusak jika tidak dirawat. Akibatnya, secara keseluruhan rambut dapat menjadi lebih cepat rusak termasuk rambut baru yang tumbuh. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut kamu bisa memotong sendiri ujung-ujung rambut yang bercabang ini diwaktu senggang, jika tidak sempat kunjungi salon tiap 8-10 minggu sekali, dan minta ia untuk mentrim ujung-ujung rambut kamu. Tegaskan bahwa kamu hendak memanjangkan rambut sehingga ia hanya memotong ujung-ujung rambut yang pecah- pecah saja. Biasanya penata rambut tersebut akan memotong dalam keadaan kering karena sangat sukar mendeteksi ujung rambut yang pecah dalam keadaan basah.

4.Biarkan kulit kepala bernapas.
Rambut yang tertutup terus menerus akan membuat minyak dan kotoran menumpuk pada akar rambut sehingga kulit tidak bisa bernapas. Hal ini akan membuat pertumbuhan rambut menjadi terganggu. Agar pertumbuhan rambut berjalan baik, maka jaga agar kulit kepala senantiasa bersih. Jika kamu sering berkeringat, atau rambut kamu berminyak maka tidak ada salahnya untuk melakukan keramas tiap hari dengan menggunakan shampo yang sangat lembut. Jangan lupakan pula akan kebersihan perangkat rias rambut, terutama sisir! Sisir dan sikat rambut yang kotor membuat kotoran menumpuk kembali menempel di rambut dan kulit kepala tiap kali kamu menyisir.

5.Manjakan rambutmu.
Perlu diketahui bahwa rambut panjang adalah rambut yang tua dan cenderung rapuh, karena itu perlakukan dengan sangat hati-hati. Pilih shampo yang lembut dengan kandungan pelembap. Jika kamu menggunakan hairdryer, catok dan sebagainya, olesi dengan kondisoner dan serum setelah keramas tanpa dibilas. Berguna untuk melindungi rambut dari suhu tinggi. Seminggu sekali gunakan masker rambut. Selain itu, cermati cara kamu menata rambut. Jangan terlalu sering mengikat rambut ke belakang dengan kencang dan jangan sisir rambut dengan sikat ketika rambut basah. akan membuat rambut mudah patah.

6.Kurangi penataan rambut.
Boleh-boleh saja sebenarnya menata rambut dengan berbagai peralatan styling, namun perlu diingat bahwa hawa panas dan gesekan dari sisir bisa merusak lapisan pelindung rambut (atau kulit jangat). Akibatnya, helaian rambut jadi rentan untuk rontok. Atasi berbagai masalah ini dengan menggunakan sisir bergigi jarang untuk menyisir rambut yang habis dikeramas, menggunakan spray pelindung panas sebelum menata rambut, dan bebaskan rambut dari berbagai siksaan tersebut pada akhir pekan. Untuk mendapatkan kesan rambut yang bergelombang, buat kepang saat rambut masih basah. Lepaskan ketika rambut sudah kering.

7.Pilih jenis shampoo dan conditioner yang sesui dengan jenis rambut. Pilihan terbaik adalah menemukan shampoo alami dan herbal. Shampoo dan conditioner bekerja sangat baik untuk melembabkan dan menjaga rambutmu dari kerusakan.

8.Manfaatkanlah alternatif tanaman organic. Beberapa solusi terbaik yang dapat kamu coba adalah kelapa, lidah buaya, Biji kemiri dan mawar. Cobalah memijat kulit kepala untuk meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dengan tanaman organic tersebut agar pertumbuhan rambut lebih cepat panjang alami, karena tanaman organic tersebut aman meskipun dipakai berlebihan.
Itulah beberapa tips tentang cara memiliki rambut yang cepat panjang dan sehat, semoga bermanfaat....

> Sumber :

15 Tips Agar Kulit Sehat

1. Salah satu musuh kulit adalah matahari . Karenanya jangan lupa memakai krim tabir surya setiap kali beraktivitas di luar ruangan yang terkena teriknya matahari. Gunakan juga kaca mata hitam agar tidak perlu mengernyitkan dahi yang bila berlanjut agar terbentuknya kerutan

2. Merokok akan membuat wajah lebih cepat berkerut karena oksigen di darah digantikan karbonmonoksida yang membuat pembuluh darah menyempit

3. Narkoba juga merupakan salah satu gaya hidup yang memicu penuaan. Karenanya, jauhi benda haram ini

4. Asupan alkohol dapat mengakibatkan dehidrasi sehingga kulit menjadi kering dan berkerut

5. Banyak minum air, terutama air putih, membuat kulit lembab. Tubuh yang kekurangan cairan akan menyerap air dari sel-sel tubuh termasuk sel kulit. Air juga membuang racun yang berkumpul di kuloit sehingga kulit tampak bersih

6. Make up yang digunakan perlu disesuaikan. Ketika usia mulai lanjut, kulit lebih kering sehingga perlu foundation berbahan dasar minyak. Eye shadow padat cenderung berkumpul di garis halus kelopak mata sehingga kerutan di daerah mata semakin nyata

7. Setiap kali selesai mencuci muka, beri pelembab tanpa dibiarkan kering agar kulit tetap lembab. Kulit yang lembab akan tampak lebih muda dan segar

8. Jangan pernah membilas wajah dengan air hangat dan hindari pemakaian sabun yang berlebihan. Untuk kulit kering lebih dianjurkan menggunakan susu pembersih.

9. Biasakan merawat kulit sejak dini. Ketika melewati usia 20 tahun, sistem pelembab kulit seperti kelenjar keringat, kelenjar minyak yang menurun fungsinya.

10. AC membuat kulit menjadi kering. karenanya, bila sering berada di ruangan AC, jangan lupa menggunakan krim pelembab

11. Jangan suka bertopang dagu, mengernyitkan dahi, atau memonyongkan mulut karena akan mengerutkan kulit wajah.

12. Setelah seharian beraktivitas, jangan lupa beristirahat untuk menenangkan organ-organ tubuh. Para ahli menganjurkan porsi tidur minimal 8 jam setiap harinya. Saat tidur , usahakan posisinya terlentang . Bila posisinya miring, wajah seolah-olah ditarik ke sampin oleh gaya gravitasi bumi

13. Mengompres seputar mata dengan air teh akan membuat kantung mata dan kerutannya hilang. Lakukan hal ini secara kontinyu

14. Makan yang manis-manis dan berlemak memang enak. Tapi makanan seperti ini dapat membuat kulit cepat mengalami penuaan. Alasannya, dalam proses metabolisme, kedua bahan ini mengalami oksidasi yang menghasilkan radikal bebas penyebab penuaan

15.Berolahraga dapat memperbaiki sirkulasi darah termasuk yang ke kulit. Kulit sehat karena mendapat kecukupan gizi
Menurut penelitian orang yang banyak mengkomsumsi buah dan sayur, dapat awet muda, selain untuk otak lebih sehat, fisik orang-orang yang memakan sayur dan buah juga lebih aktif. Kalau mental & fisik sudah sehat, maka seluruh bagian tubuh lainnya juga akan baik. terutama buah & sayur yang mengandung zat antioksidan seperti vitamin C, E, A& betakaroten, serta selenium ( mineral )

- Vitamin A : bisa ditemukan di sayuran hijau , telur, hati, minyak ikan, susu. Vitamin A dapat didapat dari bahan makanan yang mengandung betakaroten yang biasa terdapat di wortel, ubi merah, sayuran hijau. Betakaroten ini, saat masuk tubuh, diubah menjadi vitamin A. Vitamin A dapat berkhasiat untuk pertumbuhan, penglihatan, & membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, membuat kulit tetap lembut & reproduksi

- Vitamin C : banyak terkandung pada sayuran bayam, cabai, brokoli, & buah-buahan seperti jeruk, stroberi, nanas, mangga, jambu, klutuk, pepaya, kiwi. Vitamin C berkhasiatmeningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, memperbaiki kerusakan kulit, antioksidan

- Vitamin E : banyak terdapat di biji bunga matahari, kacang-kacangan, alpukat, jagung, & sayuran hijau. Vitamin E berkhasiat untuk melindungi membran sel dari serangan radikal bebas & melindungijaringan dari proses oksidasi, membantu penggantian & pembentukan sel kulit yang rusak.

- Selenium / Mineral : banyak terdapat pada seafood, hati, ikan tuna, bawang putih, tomat, brokoli & beras merah. Berkhasiat sebagai antioksidan , mencegah kanker, mengurangi resiko jantung, stroke

> Sumber :

Winged infusion set

Winged Infusion Sets (frequently known under their Hospira trademark as "Butterfly needles") are used in venipuncture (phlebotomy). They are often used with people who have spasticity, or thin, "rolling" blood vessels difficult to access.

Since the winged needle uses a flexible tube, there is less chance of the patient causing damage if they move during the procedure. Winged needles are usually a 21g green label, a 23g blue label, and a 25g orange label (however this needle is only used in pediatrics or extreme cases as it is so small that it can often result in hemolyzing the blood sample, thereby invalidating the test), with two plastic 'wings' on either side, flexible tubing, and another needle, generally sheathed with some sort of rubber like material at the other end. This needle, unlike the exposed side, is not sharp. The newer needles produced now also come with a slide and lock safety device that is slid over the needle when it is done being used. This helps prevent accidental sticking with a dirty needle, as well as from accidentally being reused. The phlebotomist attaches a hub or a syringe to the end of the set that has the sheathed needle. This is the same type of hub used for a routine venipuncture. The needle is held by the 'wings' and placed into the vein, generally at a fairly shallow angle. The wings allow the phlebotomist to grasp the needle very close to the end, to ensure accuracy. When the needle is successfully placed into the vein, a 'flash' can be seen. The 'flash' is a small amount of blood that flows into the tubing when the needle enters a vein. The phlebotomist can then push vacuum tubes into the hub and draw blood as usual.

Many lay people are under the false impression that using a winged needle is easier on their veins and less painful. Although using finer needles is less painful, the hazard of using winged needles lies in the fact that as the blood flows through the rubber tubing, it cools significantly, thereby clotting faster. When blood clots in the tube, the flow may be reduced or may stop completely. When this happens, it is necessary to puncture the vein of patient at a different site to in order to obtain the blood sample. Generally, however, several bottles can easily be drawn in this time and changing bottles is much easier with the winged needle. This is not the case when using the more common needles. Since the tubing is not a part of the needle, the blood goes through the needle directly into the tube. This method results in a faster, cleaner sample with less chance of hemolyzation.

Winged needles are most commonly used when available veins are very small, fragile, or when they are in a place that would make using a normal evacuated tube system difficult. Winged needles are also used on very shallow veins, because the design allows the needle to be inserted at a much more shallow angle than an evacuated tube system allows. Winged needles are nearly always used when drawing blood from the hand, wrist, or other places on the body where veins are very close to the skin.

> Sumber :


Disinfectants are substances that are applied to non-living objects to destroy microorganisms that are living on the objects. Disinfection does not necessarily kill all microorganisms, especially nonresistant bacterial spores; it is less effective than sterilisation, which is an extreme physical and/or chemical process that kills all types of life. Disinfectants are different from other antimicrobial agents such as antibiotics, which destroy microorganisms within the body, and antiseptics, which destroy microorganisms on living tissue. Disinfectants are also different from biocides — the latter are intended to destroy all forms of life, not just microorganisms.

Sanitisers are substances that simultaneously clean and disinfect.

Bacterial endospores are most resistant to disinfectants, but some viruses and bacteria also possess some tolerance.

Disinfectants are frequently used in hospitals, dental surgeries, kitchens, and bathrooms to kill infectious organisms.

A perfect disinfectant would also offer complete and full microbiological sterilisation, without harming humans and useful forms of life, be inexpensive, and non-corrosive. However, ideal disinfectants do not exist. Most disinfectants are also, by nature, potentially harmful (even toxic) to humans or animals. Most modern household disinfectants contain Bitrex, an exceptionally bitter substance added to discourage ingestion, as a safety measure. Those that are used indoors should never be mixed with other cleaning products as chemical reactions can occur.

The choice of disinfectant to be used depends on the particular situation. Some disinfectants have a wide spectrum (kill many different types of microorganisms), while others kill a smaller range of disease-causing organisms but are preferred for other properties (they may be non-corrosive, non-toxic, or inexpensive).

There are arguments for creating or maintaining conditions that are not conducive to bacterial survival and multiplication, rather than attempting to kill them with chemicals. Bacteria can increase in number very quickly, which enables them to evolve rapidly. Should some bacteria survive a chemical attack, they give rise to new generations composed completely of bacteria that have resistance to the particular chemical used. Under a sustained chemical attack, the surviving bacteria in successive generations are increasingly resistant to the chemical used, and ultimately the chemical is rendered ineffective. For this reason, some question the wisdom of impregnating cloths, cutting boards and worktops in the home with bactericidal chemicals.

Types of disinfectants

Air disinfectants

Air disinfectants are typically chemical substances capable of disinfecting microorganisms suspended in the air. Disinfectants are generally assumed to be limited to use on surfaces, but that is not the case. In 1928, a study found that airborne microorganisms could be killed using mists of dilute bleach. An air disinfectant must be dispersed either as an aerosol or vapour at a sufficient concentration in the air to cause the number of viable infectious microorganisms to be significantly reduced.

In the 1940s and early 1950s, further studies showed inactivation of diverse bacteria, influenza virus, and Penicillium chrysogenum (previously P. notatum) mold fungus using various glycols, principally propylene glycol and triethylene glycol. In principle, these chemical substances are ideal air disinfectants because they have both high lethality to microorganisms and low mammalian toxicity.

Although glycols are effective air disinfectants in controlled laboratory environments, it is more difficult to use them effectively in real-world environments because the disinfection of air is sensitive to continuous action. Continuous action in real-world environments with outside air exchanges at door, HVAC, and window interfaces, and in the presence of materials that adsorb and remove glycols from the air, poses engineering challenges that are not critical for surface disinfection. The engineering challenge associated with creating a sufficient concentration of the glycol vapours in the air have not to date been sufficiently addressed.


Alcohols, usually ethanol or isopropanol, are sometimes used as a disinfectant, but more often as an antiseptic (the distinction being that alcohol tends to be used on living tissue rather than nonliving surfaces). They are non-corrosive, but can be a fire hazard. They also have limited residual activity due to evaporation, which results in brief contact times unless the surface is submerged, and have a limited activity in the presence of organic material. Alcohols are most effective when combined with purified water to facilitate diffusion through the cell membrane; 100% alcohol typically denatures only external membrane proteins. A mixture of 70% ethanol or isopropanol diluted in water is effective against a wide spectrum of bacteria, though higher concentrations are often needed to disinfect wet surfaces. Additionally, high-concentration mixtures (such as 80% ethanol + 5% isopropanol) are required to effectively inactivate lipid-enveloped viruses (such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C). Alcohol is, at best, only partly effective against most non-enveloped viruses (such as hepatitis A), and is not effective against fungal and bacterial spores. The efficacy of alcohol is enhanced when in solution with the wetting agent dodecanoic acid (coconut soap). The synergistic effect of 29.4% ethanol with dodecanoic acid is effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Further testing is being performed against Clostridium difficile (C.Diff) spores with higher concentrations of ethanol and dodecanoic acid, which proved effective with a contact time of ten minutes.


Aldehydes, such as formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde, have a wide microbiocidal activity and are sporocidal and fungicidal. They are partly inactivated by organic matter and have slight residual activity.

Some bacteria have developed resistance to glutaraldehyde, and it has been found that glutaraldehyde can cause asthma and other health hazards, hence ortho-phthalaldehyde is replacing glutaraldehyde.

Oxidizing agents act by oxidizing the cell membrane of microorganisms, which results in a loss of structure and leads to cell lysis and death. A large number of disinfectants operate in this way. Chlorine and oxygen are strong oxidizers, so their compounds figure heavily here.

Oxidizing agents

* Sodium hypochlorite is very commonly used. Common household bleach is a sodium hypochlorite solution and is used in the home to disinfect drains, toilets, and other surfaces. In more dilute form, it is used in swimming pools, and in still more dilute form, it is used in drinking water. When pools and drinking water are said to be chlorinated, it is actually sodium hypochlorite or a related compound—not pure chlorine—that is being used. Chlorine partly reacts with proteinaceous liquids such as blood to form non-oxidizing N-chloro compounds, and thus higher concentrations must be used if disinfecting surfaces after blood spills.

* Other hypochlorites such as calcium hypochlorite are also used, especially as a swimming pool additive. Hypochlorites yield an aqueous solution of hypochlorous acid that is the true disinfectant. Hypobromite solutions are also sometimes used.

* Electrolyzed water or "Anolyte" is an oxidizing, acidic hypochlorite solution made by electrolysis of sodium chloride into sodium hypochlorite and hypochlorous acid. Anolyte has an oxidation-reduction potential of +600 to +1200 mV and a typical pH range of 3.5––8.5, but the most potent solution is produced at a controlled pH 5.0–6.3 where the predominant oxychlorine species is hypochlorous acid.

* Chloramine is often used in drinking water treatment.

* Chloramine-T is antibacterial even after the chlorine has been spent, since the parent compound is a sulfonamide antibiotic.

* Chlorine dioxide is used as an advanced disinfectant for drinking water to reduce waterborne diseases. In certain parts of the world, it has largely replaced chlorine because it forms fewer byproducts. Sodium chlorite, sodium chlorate, and potassium chlorate are used as precursors for generating chlorine dioxide.

* Hydrogen peroxide is used in hospitals to disinfect surfaces and it is used in solution alone or in combination with other chemicals as a high level disinfectant. Hydrogen peroxide is sometimes mixed with colloidal silver. It is often preferred because it causes far fewer allergic reactions than alternative disinfectants. Also used in the food packaging industry to disinfect foil containers. A 3% solution is also used as an antiseptic.

* Hydrogen peroxide vapor is used as a medical sterilant and as room disinfectant. Hydrogen peroxide has the advantage that it decomposes to form oxygen and water thus leaving no long term residues, but hydrogen peroxide as with most other strong oxidants is hazardous, and solutions are a primary irritant. The vapor is hazardous to the respiratory system and eyes and consequently the OSHA permissible exposure limit is 1 ppm (29 CFR 1910.1000 Table Z-1) calculated as an eight hour time weighted average and the NIOSH immediately dangerous to life and health limit is 75 ppm.Therefore, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, gas monitoring etc. should be employed where high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are used in the workplace. Vaporized hydrogen peroxide is one of the chemicals approved for decontamination of anthrax spores from contaminated buildings, such as occurred during the 2001 anthrax attacks in the U.S. It has also been shown to be effective in removing exotic animal viruses, such as avian influenza and Newcastle disease from equipment and surfaces.

* The antimicrobial action of hydrogen peroxide can be enchanced by surfactants and organic acids. The resulting chemistry is known as Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide and is produced by Virox Technologies Inc. A 2% solution, stabilized for extended use, achieves high-level disinfection in 5 minutes, and is suitable for disinfecting medical equipment made from hard plastic, such as in endoscopes. The evidence available suggests that products based on Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide, apart from being good germicides, are safer for humans and benign to the environment.

* Iodine is usually dissolved in an organic solvent or as Lugol's iodine solution. It is used in the poultry industry. It is added to the birds’ drinking water. In human and veterinary medicine, iodine products are widely used to prepare incision sites prior to surgery. Although it increases both scar tissue formation and healing time, tincture of iodine is used as an antiseptic for skin cuts and scrapes, and remains among the most effective antiseptics known.[citation needed]

* Ozone is a gas used for disinfecting water, laundry, foods, air and surfaces. It is chemically aggressive and destroys many organic compounds, resulting in rapid decolorization and deodorization in addition to disinfection. Ozone decomposes relatively quickly, however, so that tap water chlorination cannot be entirely replaced by ozonation, as the ozone would decompose already in the water piping. Instead, it is used to remove the bulk of oxidizable matter from the water, which would produce small amounts of organochlorides if treated with chlorine only.

* Peracetic acid is a disinfectant produced by reacting hydrogen peroxide with acetic acid. It is broadly effective against microorganisms and is not deactivated by catalase and peroxidase, the enzymes that break down hydrogen peroxide. It also breaks down to food safe and environmentally friendly residues (acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide), and therefore can be used in non-rinse applications. It can be used over a wide temperature range (0-40°C), wide pH range (3.0-7.5), in clean-in-place (CIP) processes, in hard water conditions, and is not affected by protein residues.

* Performic acid is the simplest and most powerful perorganic acid. Formed from the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and formic acid, it reacts more rapidly and powerfully than peracetic acid before breaking down to water and carbon dioxide.

* Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is a red crystalline powder that colours everything it touches, through a strong oxidising action. This includes staining "stainless" steel, which somehow limits its use and makes it necessary to use plastic or glass containers. It is used to disinfect aquariums and is also widely used in community swimming pools to disinfect ones feet before entering the pool. Typically, a large shallow basin of KMnO4/water solution is kept near the pool ladder. Participants are required to step in the basin and then go into the pool. Additionally, it is widely used to disinfect community water ponds and wells in tropical countries, as well as to disinfect the mouth before pulling out teeth. It can be applied to wounds in dilute solution.

* Potassium peroxymonosulfate, the principal ingredient in Virkon, is a wide-spectrum disinfectant used in laboratories. Virkon kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It is used as a 1% solution in water, and keeps for one week once it is made up. It is expensive, but very effective, its pink colour fades as it is used up so it is possible to see at a glance if it is still fresh.


Phenolics are active ingredients in some household disinfectants. They are also found in some mouthwashes and in disinfectant soap and handwashes.

* Phenol is probably the oldest known disinfectant as it was first used by Lister, when it was called carbolic acid. It is rather corrosive to the skin and sometimes toxic to sensitive people. Impure preparations of phenol were originally made from coal tar, and these contained low concentrations of other aromatic hydrocarbons including benzene, which is an IARC Group 1 carcinogen.

* o-Phenylphenol is often used instead of phenol, since it is somewhat less corrosive.

* Chloroxylenol is the principal ingredient in Dettol, a household disinfectant and antiseptic.

* Hexachlorophene is a phenolic that was once used as a germicidal additive to some household products but was banned due to suspected harmful effects.

* Thymol, derived from the herb thyme, is the active ingredient in some "broad spectrum" disinfectants that bears ecological claims.

* Amylmetacresol is found in Strepsils, a throat disinfectant.

* Although not a phenol, 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol has similar effects as phenols, but it cannot inactive viruses.

Quaternary ammonium compounds

Quaternary ammonium compounds ("quats"), such as benzalkonium chloride, are a large group of related compounds. Some concentrated formulations have been shown to be effective low-level disinfectants. Typically, quats do not exhibit efficacy against difficult to kill non-enveloped viruses such as norovirus, rotavirus, or polio virus. Newer synergous, low-alcohol formulations are highly effective broad-spectrum disinfectants with quick contact times (3–5 minutes) against bacteria, enveloped viruses, pathogenic fungi, and mycobacteria. However, the addition of alcohol or solvents to quat-based disinfectant formulas results in the products' drying much more quickly on the applied surface, which could lead to ineffective or incomplete disinfection. Quats are biocides that also kill algae and are used as an additive in large-scale industrial water systems to minimize undesired biological growth.


Silver has antimicrobial properties, but compounds suitable for disinfection are usually unstable and have a limited shelf-life. Silver dihydrogen citrate is a chelated form of silver that maintains its stability. SDC kills microorganisms by two modes of action: 1) the silver ion deactivates structural and metabolic membrane proteins, leading to microbial death; 2) the microbes view SDC as a food source, allowing the silver ion to enter the microbe. Once inside the organism, the silver ion denatures the DNA, which halts the microbe's ability to replicate, leading to its death. This dual action makes SDC highly and quickly effective against a broad spectrum of microbes. SDC is non-toxic, non-caustic, colorless, odorless, and tasteless, and does not produce toxic fumes. SDC is non-toxic to humans and animals: the United States Environmental Protection Agency classifies it into the lowest toxicity category for disinfectants, category IV.


The biguanide polymer polyaminopropyl biguanide is specifically bactericidal at very low concentrations (10 mg/l). It has a unique method of action: The polymer strands are incorporated into the bacterial cell wall, which disrupts the membrane and reduces its permeability, which has a lethal effect to bacteria. It is also known to bind to bacterial DNA, alter its transcription, and cause lethal DNA damage.[21] It has very low toxicity to higher organisms such as human cells, which have more complex and protective membranes.

High-intensity shortwave ultraviolet light can be used for disinfecting smooth surfaces such as dental tools, but not porous materials that are opaque to the light such as wood or foam. Ultraviolet light fixtures are often present in microbiology labs, and are activated only when there are no occupants in a room (e.g., at night).

Common sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) has antifungal properties, and some antiviral and antibacterial properties, though those are too weak to be effective at a home environment.

Lactic acid is a registered disinfectant. Due to its natural and environmental profile, it has gained importance in the market.

Measurements of effectiveness

One way to compare disinfectants is to compare how well they do against a known disinfectant and rate them accordingly. Phenol is the standard, and the corresponding rating system is called the "Phenol coefficient". The disinfectant to be tested is compared with phenol on a standard microbe (usually Salmonella typhi or Staphylococcus aureus). Disinfectants that are more effective than phenol have a coefficient > 1. Those that are less effective have a coefficient < 1. A less specific measurement of effectiveness is the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classification into either high, intermediate or low level of disinfection. High-level disinfection kills all organisms, except high levels of bacterial spores, and is effected with a chemical germicide cleared for marketing as a sterilant by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Intermediate-level disinfection kills mycobacteria, most viruses, and bacteria with a chemical germicide registered as a "tuberculocide" by the EPA. Low-level disinfection kills some viruses and bacteria with a chemical germicide registered as a hospital disinfectant by the EPA. Home disinfectants

By far the most cost-effective home disinfectant is the commonly used chlorine bleach (a 5% solution of sodium hypochlorite), which is effective against most common pathogens, including difficult organisms such as tuberculosis (mycobacterium tuberculosis), hepatitis B and C, fungi, and antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococcus and enterococcus. It even has some disinfectant action against parasitic organisms.

Positives are that it kills the widest range of pathogens of any inexpensive disinfectant, is extremely powerful against viruses and bacteria at room temperature, is commonly available and inexpensive, and breaks down quickly into harmless components (primarily table salt and oxygen).

Negatives are that it is caustic to the skin, lungs, and eyes (especially at higher concentrations); like many common disinfectants, it degrades in the presence of organic substances; it has a strong odor; it is not effective against Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium; and extreme caution must be taken not to combine it with ammonia or any acid (such as vinegar), as this can cause noxious gases to be formed. The best practice is not to add anything to household bleach except water. Dilute bleach can be tolerated on the skin for a period of time by most persons, as witnessed by the long exposure to extremely dilute "chlorine" (actually sodium or calcium hypochlorite) many children get in swimming pools.

To use chlorine bleach effectively, the surface or item to be disinfected must be clean. In the bathroom or when cleaning after pets, special caution must be taken to wipe up urine first, before applying chlorine, to avoid reaction with the ammonia in urine, causing toxic gas by-products. A 1-to-20 solution in water is effective simply by being wiped on and left to dry. The user should wear rubber gloves and, in tight airless spaces, goggles. If parasitic organisms are suspected, it should be applied at 1-to-1 concentration, or even undiluted. Extreme caution must be taken to avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Protective goggles and good ventilation are mandatory when applying concentrated bleach.

Commercial bleach tends to lose strength over time, whenever the container is opened. Old containers of partially used bleach may no longer have the labeled concentration.

Where one does not want to risk the corrosive effects of bleach, alcohol-based disinfectants are reasonably inexpensive and quite safe. The great drawback to them is their rapid evaporation; sometimes effective disinfection can be obtained only by immersing an object in the alcohol.

The use of some antimicrobials such as triclosan, in particular in the uncontrolled home environment, is controversial because it may lead to the germs becoming resistant. Chlorine bleach and alcohol do not cause resistance because they are so completely lethal, in a very direct physical way.

> Sumber :

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Translasi (genetik)

Translasi dalam genetika dan biologi molekular adalah proses penerjemahan urutan nukleotida yang ada pada molekul mRNA menjadi rangkaian asam-asam amino yang menyusun suatu polipeptida atau protein. Transkripsi dan Translasi merupakan dua proses utama yang menghubungkan gen ke protein. Translasi hanya terjadi pada molekul mRNA, sedangkan rRNA dan tRNA tidak ditranslasi. Molekul mRNA yang merupakan salinan urutan DNA menyusun suatu gen dalam bentuk kerangka baca terbuka. mRNA membawa informasi urutan asam amino.
Proses translasi berupa penerjemahan kodon atau urutan nukleotida yang terdiri atas tiga nukleotida berurutan yang menyandi suatu asam amino tertentu. Kodon pada mRNA akan berpasangan dengan antikodon yang ada pada tRNA. Setiap tRNA mempunyai antikodon yang spesifik. Tiga nukleotida di anti kodon tRNA saling berpasangan dengan tiga nukleotida dalam kodon mRNA menyandi asam amino tertentu. Proses translasi dirangkum dalam tiga tahap, yaitu inisiasi, elongasi (pemanjangan) dan terminasi (penyelesaian). Translasi pada mRNA dimulai pada kodon pertama atau kodon inisiasi translasi berupa ATG pada DNA atau AUG pada RNA. Penerjemahan terjadi dari urutan basa molekul (yang juga menyusun kodon-kodon setiap tiga urutan basa) mRNA ke dalam urutan asam amino polipeptida. Banyak asam amino yang dapat disandikan oleh lebih dari satu kodon.Tempat-tempat translsasi ini ialah ribosom, partikel kompleks yang memfasilitasi perangkaian secara teratur asam amino menjadi rantai polipeptida. Asam amino yang akan dirangkaikan dengan asam amino lainnya dibawa oleh tRNA. Setiap asam amino akan dibawa oleh tRNA yang spesifik ke dalam kompleks mRNA-ribosom. Pada proses pemanjangan ribosom akan bergerak terus dari arah 5'3P ke arah 3'OH sepanjang mRNA sambil merangkaikan asam-asam amino.Proses penyelesaian ditandai denga bertemunya ribosom dengan kodon akhir pada mRNA.
Translasi prokariot dan eukariot
Walaupun mekanisme dasar trskripsi dan translasi serupa untuk prokariot dan eukariot, terdapat suatu perbedaan dalam aliran informasi genetik di dalam sel tersebut. Karena bakteri tidak memiliki nukleus (inti sel), DNA-nya tidak tersegregasi dari ribosom dan perlengkapan pensintesis protein lainnya. Transkripsi dan translasi dipasangkan dengan ribosom menempel pada ujung depan molekul mRNA sewaktu transkripsi masih terus berlangsung. Pengikatan ribosom ke mRNA membutuhkan situs yang spesifik. Sebaliknya, dalam sel eukariot selubung nukleus atau membran inti memisahkan transkripsi dari translasi dalam ruang dan waktu. Transkripsi terjadi di dalam inti sel dan mRNA dikirim ke sitoplasma tempat translasi terjadi.


Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Penyakit Kelamin

Pengertian Penyakit Kelamin
Penyakit kelamin adalah sekelompok penyakit menular yang penularannya terutama melalui hubungan seksual.
Jenis-jenis Penyakit Kelamin
Penyakit kelamin ada 3 jenis atau golongan, yaitu:
a. Penyakit kelamin yang menunjukkan gejala keluarnya nanah.
b. Penyakit kelamin yang menunjukkan gejala timbulnya luka.
c. Penyakit kelamin yang menunjukkan gejala timbulnya benjolan.

> Contoh penyakit kelamin yang menunjukkan gejala keluarnya nanah adalah : GO (Gonore)dan vaginitis.
Gejala penyakit tersebut adalah : timbul keputihan, kadang-kadang disertai rasa sakit pada waktu buang air kecil. Penyakit ini mengakibatkan kemandulan.

> Contoh penyakit kelamin yang menunjukkan gejala timbulnya luka adalah : Herpes simpleks dan sipilis.
Penyakit sipilis berbahaya karena luka atau koreng pada kelamin terasa sakit, dapat menimbulkan cacat tubuh pada penderitanya dan cacat bawaan pada bayi atau keturunannya. Penyakit sipilis dapat menyerang otak, jantung dan pembuluh darah yang akan menimbulkan kematian.

> Contoh penyakit kelamin yang menunjukkan gejala timbulnya benjolan : AIDS dan Hepatitis B
Penyakit AIDS adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus yang merusak sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia. Biasanya sistem kekebalan tubuh melindungi tubuh terhadap penyakit. Bila sistem kekebalan tubuh dirusak oleh virus AIDS, maka serangan penyakit yang biasanya tidak berbahaya pun akan menyebabkan sakit dan meninggal.
Gejala penyakit AIDS adalah :
a. Rasa lelah terus-menerus dalam waktu yang lama
b. Sesak nafas dan batuk yang terus-menerus dalam waktu yang lama.
c. Pembesaran kelenjar di leher, ketiak, dan lipatan paha tanpa sebab yang jelas.
d. Sering demam tanpa sebab yang jelas.
e. Berat badan turun secara mencolok.
f. Bercak merah kebiruan pada kulit (kanker kulit)
Cara penularan penyakit AIDS :
a. Hubungan seksual (homoseksual maupun hetero seksual)
b. Melalui transfusi darah
c. Melalui jarum suntik yang tidak steril, terutama pada orang-orang (pecandu) narkotik dengan obat suntik.
d. Melalui tali pusat waktu melahirkan (dari ibu penderita AIDS kepada bayi yang dilahirkannya)
Cara pencegahan penyakit kelamin dan AIDS adalah:
a. Hindari hubungan seksual di luar nikah.
b. Hindari hubungan seksual dengan wanita atau pria tuna susila.
c. Pergunakan kondom bagi kelompok resiko tinggi terkena AIDS.
d. Mencegah kelompok resiko tinggi terkena AIDS menjadi donor darah.
e. Menjamin kebersihan alat-alat medis seperti jarum suntik dan spuit serta alat non medis seperti handuk, lap, dan tempat tidur kamar periksa.
f. Membakar semua alat suntik (disposibel) yang bekas digunakan pengidap kuman AIDS.
Tidak benar bahwa AIDS ditularkan karena :
a. Hidup serumah dengan penderita AIDS (asal tidak mengadakan hubungan seksual)
b. Bersenggolan dengan penderita.
c. Bersentuhan dengan pakaian dan lain-lain barang bekas penderita AIDS.
d. Berjabat tangan.
e. Penderita AIDS bersin atau batuk di dekat kita.
f. Berciuman.
g. Makanan dan minuman
h. Gigitan nyamuk dan serangga lain.
i. sama-sama berenang di kolam renang.
Yang termasuk kelompok resiko tinggi adalah :
a. Mereka yang mempunyai banyak pasangan seksual (homo dan hetero seksual)seperti wanita atau pria tuna susila dan pelanggannya, mucikari, kelompok homoseks, biseks dan waria.
b. Penerima transfusi darah.
c. Bayi yang dilahirkan dari ibu penderita AIDS.
d. Pecandu narkotik suntikan.
e. Pasangan dari pengidap penyakit AIDS.
Mengapa AIDS perlu perhatian khusus?
AIDS perlu perhatian khusus karena :
a. AIDS belum ada obatnya.
b. Orang yang terinfeksi virus AIDS akan menjadi pembawa dan penular virus AIDS selama hidupnya.
c. Hampir semua penderita AIDS meninggal dalam waktu 5 tahun sesudah menunjukkan gejala pertama AIDS.

Sumber :
Direktorat Bina Peran Serta Masyarakat Dit.Jen Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyrakat.1992.Mengenal Beberapa Penyakit Berbahaya di Daerah Perkotaan Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan RI


Pengertian Diare

Diare (atau dalam bahasa kasar disebut menceret) (BM = diarea; Inggris = diarrhea) adalah sebuah penyakit di mana penderita mengalami rangsangan buang air besar yang terus-menerus dan tinja atau feses yang masih memiliki kandungan air berlebihan. Di Dunia ke-3, diare adalah penyebab kematian paling umum kematian balita, dan juga membunuh lebih dari 1,5 juta orang per tahun.


Kondisi ini dapat merupakan gejala dari luka, penyakit, alergi (fructose, lactose), memakan makanan yang asam,pedas,atau bersantan secara berlebihan, dan kelebihan vitamin C dan biasanya disertai sakit perut, dan seringkali mual dan muntah. Ada beberapa kondisi lain yang melibatkan tapi tidak semua gejala diare, dan definisi resmi medis dari diare adalah defekasi yang melebihi 200 gram per hari.

Hal ini terjadi ketika cairan yang tidak mencukupi diserap oleh usus besar. Sebagai bagian dari proses digestasi, atau karena masukan cairan, makanan tercampur dengan sejumlah besar air. Oleh karena itu makanan yang dicerna terdiri dari cairan sebelum mencapai usus besar. Usus besar menyerap air, meninggalkan material yang lain sebagai kotoran yang setengah padat. Bila usus besar rusak / radang, penyerapan tidak terjadi dan hasilnya adalah kotoran yang berair.

Diare kebanyakan disebabkan oleh beberapa infeksi virus tetapi juga seringkali akibat dari racun bakteria. Dalam kondisi hidup yang bersih dan dengan makanan mencukupi dan air tersedia, pasien yang sehat biasanya sembuh dari infeksi virus umum dalam beberapa hari dan paling lama satu minggu. Namun untuk individu yang sakit atau kurang gizi, diare dapat menyebabkan dehidrasi yang parah dan dapat mengancam-jiwa bila tanpa perawatan.

Diare dapat menjadi gejala penyakit yang lebih serius, seperti disentri, kolera atau botulisme, dan juga dapat menjadi indikasi sindrom kronis seperti penyakit Crohn. Meskipun penderita apendisitis umumnya tidak mengalami diare, diare menjadi gejala umum radang usus buntu.

Diare juga dapat disebabkan oleh konsumsi alkohol yang berlebihan, terutama dalam seseorang yang tidak cukup makan.


Gejala yang biasanya ditemukan adalah buang air besar terus menerus disertai mual dan muntah. Tetapi gejala lainnya yang dapat timbul antara lain pegal pada punggung,dan perut berbunyi.


Perawatan untuk diare melibatkan pasien mengonsumsi sejumlah air yang mencukupi untuk menggantikan yang hilang, lebih baik bila dicampur dengan elektrolit untuk menyediakan garam yang dibutuhkan dan sejumlah nutrisi. Untuk banyak orang, perawatan lebih lanjut dan medikasi resmi tidak dibutuhkan.

Diare di bawah ini biasanya diperlukan pengawasan medis:

* Diare pada balita
* Diare menengah atau berat pada anak-anak
* Diare yang bercampur dengan darah.
* Diare yang terus terjadi lebih dari 2 minggu.
* Diare yang disertai dengan penyakit umum lainnya seperti sakit perut, demam, kehilangan berat badan, dan lain-lain.
* Diare pada orang bepergian (kemungkinan terjadi infeksi yang eksotis seperti parasit)
* Diare dalam institusi seperti rumah sakit, perawatan anak, institut kesehatan mental.


Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011


Rabies (pronounced /ˈreɪbiːz/. From Latin: rabies) is a viral disease that causes acute encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) in warm-blooded animals.[1] It is zoonotic (i.e., transmitted by animals), most commonly by a bite from an infected animal. Rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms.

The rabies virus infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death. The early symptoms of rabies in people are similar to that of many other illnesses, including fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. As the disease progresses, more specific symptoms appear and may include insomnia, anxiety, confusion, slight or partial paralysis, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation (increase in saliva), difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water). Death usually occurs within days of the onset of these symptoms.
The rabies virus travels to the brain by following the peripheral nerves. The incubation period of the disease is usually a few months in humans, depending on the distance the virus must travel to reach the central nervous system.[2] Once the rabies virus reaches the central nervous system and symptoms begin to show, the infection is effectively untreatable and usually fatal within days.

Early-stage symptoms of rabies are malaise, headache and fever, progressing to acute pain, violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, depression, and hydrophobia.[1] Finally, the patient may experience periods of mania and lethargy, eventually leading to coma. The primary cause of death is usually respiratory insufficiency.[2] Worldwide, roughly 97% of rabies cases come from dog bites.[3] In the United States, however, animal control and vaccination programs have effectively eliminated domestic dogs as reservoirs of rabies.[4] In several countries, including the United Kingdom, Estonia and Japan, rabies carried by animals that live on the ground has been eradicated entirely. Concerns exist about airborne and mixed-habitat animals including bats. Bats in the U.K. and in some other countries carry European Bat Lyssavirus 1 and European Bat Lyssavirus 2. The symptoms of these viruses are similar to those of rabies and so the viruses are both known as bat rabies. An unvaccinated Scottish bat handler died from an EBLV infection in 2002.[2]

Signs and symptoms

The period between infection and the first flu-like symptoms is normally two to twelve weeks, but can be as long as two years. Soon after, the symptoms expand to slight or partial paralysis, cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, agitation, abnormal behavior, paranoia, terror, hallucinations, progressing to delirium.[2][5] The production of large quantities of saliva and tears coupled with an inability to speak or swallow are typical during the later stages of the disease; this can result in hydrophobia, in which the patient has difficulty swallowing because the throat and jaw become slowly paralyzed, shows panic when presented with liquids to drink, and cannot quench his or her thirst.

Death almost invariably results two to ten days after first symptoms. In 2005, the first patient was treated with the Milwaukee protocol,[6] and Jeanna Giese became the first person ever recorded to survive rabies without receiving successful post-exposure prophylaxis. An intention to treat analysis has since found that this protocol has a survival rate of about 8%.[7]


The rabies virus is the type species of the Lyssavirus genus, in the family Rhabdoviridae, order Mononegavirales. Lyssaviruses have helical symmetry, with a length of about 180 nm and a cross-sectional diameter of about 75 nm.[1] These viruses are enveloped and have a single stranded RNA genome with negative-sense. The genetic information is packaged as a ribonucleoprotein complex in which RNA is tightly bound by the viral nucleoprotein. The RNA genome of the virus encodes five genes whose order is highly conserved: nucleoprotein (N), phosphoprotein (P), matrix protein (M), glycoprotein (G) and the viral RNA polymerase (L).[8]

From the point of entry, the virus is neurotropic, traveling quickly along the neural pathways into the central nervous system (CNS), and then further into other organs.[2] The salivary glands receive high concentrations of the virus thus allowing further transmission.


The reference method for diagnosing rabies is by performing PCR or viral culture on brain samples taken after death. The diagnosis can also be reliably made from skin samples taken before death.[9] It is also possible to make the diagnosis from saliva, urine and cerebrospinal fluid samples, but this is not as sensitive. Inclusion bodies called Negri bodies are 100% diagnostic for rabies infection, but are found in only about 80% of cases.[1] If possible, the animal from which the bite was received should also be examined for rabies.[10]

The differential diagnosis in a case of suspected human rabies may initially include any cause of encephalitis, particularly infection with viruses such as herpesviruses, enteroviruses, and arboviruses (e.g., West Nile virus). The most important viruses to rule out are herpes simplex virus type 1, varicella-zoster virus, and (less commonly) enteroviruses, including coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, polioviruses, and human enteroviruses 68 to 71.[11] In addition, consideration should be given to the local epidemiology of encephalitis caused by arboviruses belonging to several taxonomic groups, including eastern and western equine encephalitis viruses, St. Louis encephalitis virus, Powassan virus, the California encephalitis virus serogroup, and La Crosse virus.[citation needed]

New causes of viral encephalitis are also possible, as was evidenced by the recent outbreak in Malaysia of some 300 cases of encephalitis (mortality rate, 40%) caused by Nipah virus, a newly recognized paramyxovirus.[12] Similarly, well-known viruses may be introduced into new locations, as is illustrated by the recent outbreak of encephalitis due to West Nile virus in the eastern United States.[13] Epidemiologic factors (e.g., season, geographic location, and the patient’s age, travel history, and possible exposure to animal bites, rodents, and ticks) may help direct the diagnostic workup.

Cheaper rabies diagnosis will be possible for low-income settings: accurate rabies diagnosis can be done at a tenth of the cost of traditional testing using basic light microscopy techniques.[14]

All human cases of rabies were fatal until a vaccine was developed in 1885 by Louis Pasteur and Émile Roux. Their original vaccine was harvested from infected rabbits, from which the virus in the nerve tissue was weakened by allowing it to dry for five to ten days.[15] Similar nerve tissue-derived vaccines are still used in some countries, as they are much cheaper than modern cell culture vaccines.[16] The human diploid cell rabies vaccine was started in 1967; however, a new and less expensive purified chicken embryo cell vaccine and purified vero cell rabies vaccine are now available.[10] A recombinant vaccine called V-RG has been successfully used in Belgium, France, Germany, and the United States to prevent outbreaks of rabies in wildlife.[17] Currently pre-exposure immunization has been used in both human and non-human populations, whereas in many jurisdictions domesticated animals are required to be vaccinated.[18]

In the USA, since the widespread vaccination of domestic dogs and cats and the development of effective human vaccines and immunoglobulin treatments, the number of recorded deaths from rabies has dropped from one hundred or more annually in the early 20th century, to 1–2 per year, mostly caused by bat bites, which may go unnoticed by the victim and hence untreated.[4]

The Missouri Dept. of Health and Senior Services Communicable Disease Surveillance 2007 Annual Report states that the following can help reduce the risk of exposure to rabies by [19]: - Vaccinating your dogs, cats, and ferrets against rabies - Keeping pets under supervision - Not handling wild animals or strays - Contacting an animal control officer, if you see a wild animal or a stray, especially if the animal is acting strangely. - Washing the wound with soap and water between 10-15 minutes, if you do get bitten by an animal, and contacting your health care provider to see if you need rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. - Getting your pets spayed or neutered. Pets that are fixed are less likely to leave home, become strays, and make more stray animals.

September 28 is World Rabies Day, which promotes information on, and prevention and elimination of the disease.[20]


Post-exposure prophylaxis
Treatment after exposure, known as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), is highly successful in preventing the disease if administered promptly, generally within ten days of infection.[1] Thoroughly washing the wound as soon as possible with soap and water for approximately five minutes is very effective at reducing the number of viral particles. “If available, a virucidal antiseptic such as povidone-iodine, iodine tincture, aqueous iodine solution, or alcohol (ethanol) should be applied after washing. Exposed mucous membranes such as eyes, nose or mouth should be flushed well with water.”[21]

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend patients receive one dose of human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) and four doses of rabies vaccine over a fourteen day period. The immunoglobulin dose should not exceed 20 units per kilogram body weight. HRIG is very expensive and constitutes the vast majority of the cost of post-exposure treatment, ranging as high as several thousand dollars. As much as possible of this dose should be infiltrated around the bites, with the remainder being given by deep intramuscular injection at a site distant from the vaccination site.[22] The first dose of rabies vaccine is given as soon as possible after exposure, with additional doses on days three, seven and fourteen after the first. Patients who have previously received pre-exposure vaccination do not receive the immunoglobulin, only the post-exposure vaccinations on day 0 and 2.

Modern cell-based vaccines are similar to flu shots in terms of pain and side effects. The old nerve-tissue-based vaccinations that require multiple painful injections into the abdomen with a large needle are cheap, but are being phased out and replaced by affordable WHO ID (intradermal) vaccination regimens.[10]

Intramuscular vaccination should be given into the deltoid, not gluteal area which has been associated with vaccination failure due to injection into fat rather than muscle. In infants the lateral thigh is used as for routine childhood vaccinations.

An individual awakening to find a bat in the room, or finding a bat in the room of a previously unattended child or mentally disabled or intoxicated person is regarded as an indication for post-exposure prophylaxis. The recommendation for the precautionary use of post-exposure prophylaxis in occult bat encounters where there is no recognized contact has been questioned in the medical literature based on a cost-benefit analysis.[23] However, recent studies have further confirmed the wisdom of maintaining the current protocol of precautionary administering of PEP in cases where a child or mentally compromised individual has been left alone with a bat, especially in sleep areas (where a bite/or exposure may occur while the victim is asleep and unaware or awake and unaware that a bite occurred). This is illustrated by the September 2000 case of a nine-year old boy from Quebec who died from rabies 3 weeks after being in the presence of a sick bat, even though there was no apparent report of a bite; as shown in the following conclusion made by the doctors involved in the case:

Despite recent criticism (45), the dramatic circumstances surrounding our patient's history, as well as increasingly frequent reports of human rabies contracted in North America, support the current Canadian guidelines which state that RPEP [PEP] is appropriate in cases where a significant contact with a bat cannot be excluded (45). The notion that a bite or an overt break in the skin needs to be seen or felt for rabies to be transmitted by a bat is a myth in many cases.[24]

It is highly recommended that PEP be administered as soon as possible. Begun with little or no delay, PEP is 100% effective against rabies.[6] In the case in which there has been a significant delay in administering PEP, the treatment should be administered regardless of that delay, as it may still be effective.[22] If there has been a delay between exposure and attempts at treatment, such that the possibility exists that the virus has already penetrated the nervous system, the possibility exists that amputation of the affected limb might thwart rabies, if the bite or exposure was on an arm or leg. This treatment should be combined with an intensive PEP regimen.

Blood-brain barrier

During lethal rabies infection of mice, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) does not allow anti-viral immune cells to enter the brain, the primary site of rabies virus replication.[25] This aspect contributes to the pathogenicity of the virus and artificially increasing BBB permeability promotes viral clearance.[26] Opening the BBB during rabies infection has been suggested as a possible novel approach to treating the disease, even though no attempts have yet been made to determine whether or not this treatment could be successful.

Induced coma

In 2004, American teenager Jeanna Giese survived an infection of rabies unvaccinated. She was placed into an induced coma upon onset of symptoms and given ketamine, midazolam, ribavirin, and amantadine. Her doctors administered treatment based on the hypothesis that detrimental effects of rabies were caused by temporary dysfunctions in the brain and could be avoided by inducing a temporary partial halt in brain function that would protect the brain from damage while giving the immune system time to defeat the virus. After thirty-one days of isolation and seventy-six days of hospitalization, Giese was released from the hospital.[27] She survived with almost no permanent sequelae and as of 2009 was starting her third year of university studies.[28]

Giese's treatment regimen became known as the "Milwaukee protocol", which has since undergone revision (the second version omits the use of ribavirin). There were 2 survivors out of 25 patients treated under the first protocol. A further 10 patients have been treated under the revised protocol and there have been a further 2 survivors.[29] The anesthetic drug ketamine has shown the potential for rabies virus inhibition in rats,[30] and is used as part of the Milwaukee protocol.

On April 10, 2008 in Cali, Colombia, an eleven year-old boy was reported to survive rabies and the induced coma without noticeable brain damage.[31]


In unvaccinated humans, rabies is almost always fatal after neurological symptoms have developed, but prompt post-exposure vaccination may prevent the virus from progressing. Rabies kills around 55,000 people a year, mostly in Asia and Africa.[32] There are only six known cases of a person surviving symptomatic rabies, and only one known case of survival in which the patient received no rabies-specific treatment either before or after illness onset.[33][34][35]

The most current survival data using the Milwaukee protocol is available from the rabies registry.


Any warm-blooded animal (including humans) may become infected with the rabies virus and develop symptoms (although birds have only been known to be experimentally infected[37]). Indeed the virus has even been adapted to grow in cells of poikilothermic ("cold-blooded") vertebrates.[38][39] Most animals can be infected by the virus and can transmit the disease to humans. Infected bats,[40][41] monkeys, raccoons, foxes, skunks, cattle, wolves, coyotes, dogs, mongoose (normally yellow mongoose)[42] or cats present the greatest risk to humans. Rabies may also spread through exposure to infected domestic farm animals, groundhogs, weasels, bears and other wild carnivores. Small rodents such as squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, chipmunks, rats, and mice and lagomorphs like rabbits and hares are almost never found to be infected with rabies and are not known to transmit rabies to humans.[43]

The virus is usually present in the nerves and saliva of a symptomatic rabid animal.[44][45] The route of infection is usually, but not always, by a bite. In many cases the infected animal is exceptionally aggressive, may attack without provocation, and exhibits otherwise uncharacteristic behavior.[46]

Transmission between humans is extremely rare. A few cases have been recorded through transplant surgery.[47]

After a typical human infection by bite, the virus enters the peripheral nervous system. It then travels along the nerves towards the central nervous system.[48] During this phase, the virus cannot be easily detected within the host, and vaccination may still confer cell-mediated immunity to prevent symptomatic rabies. When the virus reaches the brain, it rapidly causes encephalitis. This is called the prodromal phase, and is the beginning of the symptoms. Once the patient becomes symptomatic, treatment is almost never effective and mortality is over 99%. Rabies may also inflame the spinal cord producing transverse myelitis.[49][50]

The rabies virus survives in widespread, varied, rural fauna reservoirs. It is present in the animal populations of almost every country in the world, except in Australia and New Zealand.[51] In some countries like those in western Europe and Oceania, rabies is considered to be prevalent among bat populations only.

In Asia, parts of the Americas and large parts of Africa, dogs remain the principal host. Mandatory vaccination of animals is less effective in rural areas. Especially in developing countries, pets may not be privately kept and their destruction may be unacceptable. Oral vaccines can be safely distributed in baits, and this has successfully reduced rabies in rural areas of Canada, France and the USA. In Montréal, Canada baits are successfully used on raccoons in the Mont-Royal Park area. Vaccination campaigns may be expensive, and cost-benefit analysis suggests that baits may be a cost effective method of control.[52]

There are an estimated 55,000 human deaths annually from rabies worldwide, with about 31,000 in Asia, and 24,000 in Africa.[32] One of the sources of recent flourishing of rabies in East Asia is the pet boom. China introduced the “one-dog policy” in the city of Beijing in November 2006 to control the problem.[53] India has been reported as having the highest rate of human rabies in the world, primarily because of stray dogs.[54] As of 2007, Vietnam had the second-highest rate, followed by Thailand; in these countries too the virus is primarily transmitted through canines (feral dogs and other wild canine species). Recent reports suggest that wild rabid dogs are roaming the streets. Because much cheaper pre-vaccination is not commonly administered in places like Thailand, the expense for lack of preparation with far more costly post-exposure prophylaxis can hit families hard.[55]

Rabies was once rare in the United States outside the Southern states[citation needed], but as of 2006, raccoons in the mid-Atlantic and northeast United States had been suffering from a rabies epidemic since the 1970s, which was moving westwards into Ohio.[56] In the midwestern United States, skunks are the primary carriers of rabies, comprising 134 of the 237 documented non-human cases in 1996[update].

According to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association,the state of Missouri had a total of 66 documented cases of rabies. Of the 66 cases, 50 were bats, 15 were skunks,and one domestic cat. This differs from the original concept that primarily in the mid-west there are mostly rabies among skunk. When compared to other states in the mid-west, (including Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, North and South Dakota, Nebraska,Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio and Indiana) they found that out of 671 confirmed cases only 352 cases were bats, 223 were skunks and the remaining were other animals. Therefore between 1996 and 2009 there have been a decrease in the prevalence of skunk with rabies and an increase in bats with rabies [57].

==History==smelly |author = Simpson DP | title = Cassell's Latin Dictionary | publisher = Cassell Ltd. | year = 1979 |edition = 5 |location = London |pages = 883 | isbn=0-304-52257-0}} This, in turn, may be related to the Sanskrit rabhas, "to do violence". The Greeks derived the word "lyssa", from "lud" or "violent"; this root is used in the name of the genus of rabies lyssavirus.

Because of its potentially violent nature, rabies has been known since c.2000 B.C.[59] The first written record of rabies is in the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 BC), which dictates that the owner of a dog showing symptoms of rabies should take preventive measure against bites. If another person was bitten by a rabid dog and later died, the owner was heavily fined.[60]

Rabies was considered a scourge for its prevalence in the 19th century. In France and Belgium, where Saint Hubert was venerated, the "St Hubert's Key" was heated and applied to cauterize the wound; by an application of magical thinking, dogs were branded with the key in hopes of protecting them from rabies. Fear of rabies related to methods of transmissions was almost irrational;[58] however, this gave Louis Pasteur ample opportunity to test post-exposure treatments from 1885.

In other animals

Rabies is infectious to mammals. Three stages of rabies are recognized in dogs and other animals. The first stage is a one- to three-day period characterized by behavioral changes and is known as the prodromal stage. The second stage is the excitative stage, which lasts three to four days. It is this stage that is often known as furious rabies for the tendency of the affected animal to be hyperreactive to external stimuli and bite at anything near. The third stage is the paralytic stage and is caused by damage to motor neurons. Incoordination is seen owing to rear limb paralysis and drooling and difficulty swallowing is caused by paralysis of facial and throat muscles. Death is usually caused by respiratory arrest.


Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung, especially inflammation of the alveoli (microscopic air sacs in the lungs) or when the lungs fill with fluid (called consolidation and exudation).[1][2] There are many causes, of which infection is the most common, infecting agents can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.[3] Chemical burns or physical injury to the lungs can also produce pneumonia.[4]

Typical symptoms include cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty in breathing.[5] Diagnostic tools include x-rays and examination of the sputum.[6][7] Treatment depends on the cause of pneumonia; bacterial pneumonia is treated with antibiotics.
Pneumonia is a common disease that occurs in all age groups. It is a leading cause of death among the young, the old, and the chronically ill.[8] Vaccines to prevent certain types of pneumonia are available. The prognosis depends on the type of pneumonia, the treatment, any complications, and the person's underlying health.

Signs and symptoms

People with infectious pneumonia often have a cough producing greenish or yellow sputum or phlegm and a high fever that may be accompanied by shaking chills. Shortness of breath is also common, as is sharp or stabbing chest pain during deep breaths or coughs. Less frequent symptoms of pneumonia include coughing up blood, headaches, sweaty and clammy skin, loss of appetite, fatigue, blueness of the skin, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, and joint pains or muscle aches. Some forms of pneumonia can cause specific symptoms. Pneumonia caused by Legionella may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, while pneumonia caused by tuberculosis or Pneumocystis may cause only weight loss and night sweats. Symptoms in the elderly can include new or worsening confusion (delirium) or may experience unsteadiness, leading to falls. Infants with pneumonia may have many of the symptoms above, but in many cases they are simply sleepy or have a decreased appetite.[9]

Physical examination may reveal signs of illness including fever or sometimes low body temperature, an increased respiratory rate, low blood pressure, a high heart rate, or a low oxygen saturation, which is the amount of oxygen in the blood as indicated by either pulse oximetry or blood gas analysis. Struggling to breathe, confusion, and blue-tinged skin are signs of a medical emergency.

Findings from physical examination of the lungs may be normal, but often show decreased expansion of the chest on the affected side. Harsher sounds from the larger airways transmitted through the inflamed lung are heard as bronchial breathing on auscultation with a stethoscope. Rales (or crackles) may be heard over the affected area during inspiration. Percussion may be dulled over the affected lung, and increased rather than decreased vocal resonance distinguishes pneumonia from a pleural effusion.[9] Because some of these signs are subjective, physical examination alone is insufficient to diagnose or rule out pneumonia.[10][11]

Pneumonia can be due to microorganisms, irritants or unknown causes. When pneumonias are grouped this way, infectious causes are the most common.
The symptoms of infectious pneumonia are caused by the invasion of the lungs by microorganisms and by the immune system's response to the infection. Although more than one hundred strains of microorganism can cause pneumonia, only a few are responsible for most cases. The most common causes of pneumonia are viruses and bacteria. Less common causes of infectious pneumonia are fungi and parasites.


Viruses have been found to account for between 18—28% of pneumonia in a few limited studies.[12] Viruses invade cells in order to reproduce. Typically, a virus reaches the lungs when airborne droplets are inhaled through the mouth and nose. Once in the lungs, the virus invades the cells lining the airways and alveoli. This invasion often leads to cell death, either when the virus directly kills the cells, or through a type of cell controlled self-destruction called apoptosis. When the immune system responds to the viral infection, even more lung damage occurs. White blood cells, mainly lymphocytes, activate certain chemical cytokines which allow fluid to leak into the alveoli. This combination of cell destruction and fluid-filled alveoli interrupts the normal transportation of oxygen into the bloodstream.
As well as damaging the lungs, many viruses affect other organs and thus disrupt many body functions. Viruses can also make the body more susceptible to bacterial infections; for which reason bacterial pneumonia may complicate viral pneumonia.[12]
Viral pneumonia is commonly caused by viruses such as influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, and parainfluenza.[12] Herpes simplex virus is a rare cause of pneumonia except in newborns. People with weakened immune systems are also at risk of pneumonia caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV).


Bacteria are the most common cause of community acquired pneumonia with Streptococcus pneumoniae the most commonly isolated bacteria.[13] Another important Gram-positive cause of pneumonia is Staphylococcus aureus, with Streptococcus agalactiae being an important cause of pneumonia in newborn babies. Gram-negative bacteria cause pneumonia less frequently than gram-positive bacteria. Some of the gram-negative bacteria that cause pneumonia include Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Moraxella catarrhalis. These bacteria often live in the stomach or intestines and may enter the lungs if vomit is inhaled. "Atypical" bacteria which cause pneumonia include Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila.
Bacteria typically enter the lung when airborne droplets are inhaled, but can also reach the lung through the bloodstream when there is an infection in another part of the body. Many bacteria live in parts of the upper respiratory tract, such as the nose, mouth and sinuses, and can easily be inhaled into the alveoli. Once inside, bacteria may invade the spaces between cells and between alveoli through connecting pores. This invasion triggers the immune system to send neutrophils, a type of defensive white blood cell, to the lungs. The neutrophils engulf and kill the offending organisms, and also release cytokines, causing a general activation of the immune system. This leads to the fever, chills, and fatigue common in bacterial and fungal pneumonia. The neutrophils, bacteria, and fluid from surrounding blood vessels fill the alveoli and interrupt normal oxygen transportation.


Fungal pneumonia is uncommon, but it may occur in individuals with immune system problems due to AIDS, immunosuppressive drugs, or other medical problems. The pathophysiology of pneumonia caused by fungi is similar to that of bacterial pneumonia. Fungal pneumonia is most often caused by Histoplasma capsulatum, blastomyces, Cryptococcus neoformans, Pneumocystis jiroveci, and Coccidioides immitis. Histoplasmosis is most common in the Mississippi River basin, and coccidioidomycosis in the southwestern United States.


A variety of parasites can affect the lungs. These parasites typically enter the body through the skin or by being swallowed. Once inside, they travel to the lungs, usually through the blood. There, as in other cases of pneumonia, a combination of cellular destruction and immune response causes disruption of oxygen transportation. One type of white blood cell, the eosinophil, responds vigorously to parasite infection. Eosinophils in the lungs can lead to eosinophilic pneumonia, thus complicating the underlying parasitic pneumonia. The most common parasites causing pneumonia are Toxoplasma gondii, Strongyloides stercoralis, and Ascariasis.


Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP) are a class of diffuse lung diseases. While this group is called idiopathic, which means that the cause is unknown, in some types of pneumonia classified as IIPs the cause is known and the name of the group is misleading. For example, desquamative interstitial pneumonia is classified as an IIP, but it is caused by smoking. Many types of IIP, such as usual interstitial pneumonia do not have a known cause.


If pneumonia is suspected on the basis of a patient's symptoms and findings from physical examination, further investigations are needed to confirm the diagnosis. Information from a chest X-ray and blood tests are helpful, and sputum cultures in some cases. The chest X-ray is typically used for diagnosis in hospitals and some clinics with X-ray facilities. However, in a community setting (general practice), pneumonia is usually diagnosed based on symptoms and physical examination alone.[citation needed] Diagnosing pneumonia can be difficult in some people, especially those who have other illnesses. Occasionally a chest CT scan or other tests may be needed to distinguish pneumonia from other illnesses.

Pneumonia can be classified in several ways, most commonly by where it was acquired (hospital verses community), but may also by the area of lung affected or by the causative organism.[14] There is also a combined clinical classification, which combines factors such as age, risk factors for certain microorganisms, the presence of underlying lung disease or systemic disease, and whether the person has recently been hospitalized.


An important test for pneumonia in unclear situations is a chest x-ray. Chest x-rays can reveal areas of opacity (seen as white) which represent consolidation. Pneumonia is not always seen on x-rays, either because the disease is only in its initial stages, or because it involves a part of the lung not easily seen by x-ray. In some cases, chest CT (computed tomography) can reveal pneumonia that is not seen on chest x-ray. X-rays can be misleading, because other problems, like lung scarring and congestive heart failure, can mimic pneumonia on x-ray.[15] Chest x-rays are also used to evaluate for complications of pneumonia (see below.)

If antibiotics fail to improve the patient's health, or if the health care provider has concerns about the diagnosis, a culture of the person's sputum may be requested. Sputum cultures generally take at least two to three days, so they are mainly used to confirm that the infection is sensitive to an antibiotic that has already been started. A blood sample may similarly be cultured to look for bacteria in the blood. Any bacteria identified are then tested to see which antibiotics will be most effective.

A complete blood count may show a high white blood cell count, indicating the presence of an infection or inflammation. In some people with immune system problems, the white blood cell count may appear deceptively normal. Blood tests may be used to evaluate kidney function (important when prescribing certain antibiotics) or to look for low blood sodium. Low blood sodium in pneumonia is thought to be due to extra anti-diuretic hormone produced when the lungs are diseased (SIADH). Specific blood serology tests for other bacteria (Mycoplasma, Legionella and Chlamydophila) and a urine test for Legionella antigen are available. Respiratory secretions can also be tested for the presence of viruses such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and adenovirus. Liver function tests should be carried out to test for damage caused by sepsis.[9]

Combining findings

One study created a prediction rule that found the five following signs best predicted infiltrates on the chest radiograph of 1134 patients presenting to an emergency room:[16]

* Fever > 37.8 °C (100.0 °F)
* Pulse > 100 beats/min
* Rales/crackles
* Decreased breath sounds
* Absence of asthma

The probability of an infiltrate in two separate validations was based on the number of findings:

* 5 findings – 84% to 91% probability
* 4 findings – 58% to 85%
* 3 findings – 35% to 51%
* 2 findings – 14% to 24%
* 1 findings – 5% to 9%
* 0 findings – 2% to 3%

A subsequent study[17] comparing four prediction rules to physician judgment found that two rules, the one above[16] and also[18] were more accurate than physician judgment because of the increased specificity of the prediction rules.

Differential diagnosis

Several diseases and/or conditions can present with similar clinical features to pneumonia. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma can present with a polyphonic wheeze, similar to that of pneumonia. Pulmonary edema can be mistaken for pneumonia (and vice versa), especially in the elderly, due to its similar symptoms and signs. Other diseases to be taken into consideration include bronchiectasis, lung cancer and pulmonary emboli.[9]

There are several ways to prevent infectious pneumonia. Appropriately treating underlying illnesses (such as AIDS) can decrease a person's risk of pneumonia. Smoking cessation is important not only because it helps to limit lung damage, but also because cigarette smoke interferes with many of the body's natural defenses against pneumonia.

Research shows that there are several ways to prevent pneumonia in newborn infants. Testing pregnant women for Group B Streptococcus and Chlamydia trachomatis, and then giving antibiotic treatment if needed, reduces pneumonia in infants. Suctioning the mouth and throat of infants with meconium-stained amniotic fluid decreases the rate of aspiration pneumonia.

Vaccination is important for preventing pneumonia in both children and adults. Vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae in the first year of life have greatly reduced the role these bacteria play in causing pneumonia in children. Vaccinating children against Streptococcus pneumoniae has also led to a decreased incidence of these infections in adults because many adults acquire infections from children. Hib vaccine is now widely used around the globe. The childhood pneumococcal vaccine is still as of 2009 predominantly used in high-income countries, though this is changing. In 2009, Rwanda became the first low-income country to introduce pneumococcal conjugate vaccine into their national immunization program.[19]

A vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae is also available for adults. In the U.S., it is currently recommended for all healthy individuals older than 65 and any adults with emphysema, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholism, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, or those who do not have a spleen. A repeat vaccination may also be required after five or ten years.[20]

Influenza vaccines should be given yearly to the same individuals who receive vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae. In addition, health care workers, nursing home residents, and pregnant women should receive the vaccine.[21] When an influenza outbreak is occurring, medications such as amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir, and oseltamivir can help prevent influenza.[22][23]

In the United States more than 80% of cases of community acquired pneumonia are treated without hospitalization.[13] Typically, oral antibiotics, rest, fluids, and home care are sufficient for complete resolution. However, people who are having trouble breathing, with other medical problems, and the elderly may need greater care. If the symptoms get worse, the pneumonia does not improve with home treatment, or complications occur, then hospitalization may be recommended. Over the counter cough medicine has not been found to be helpful in pneumonia.[24]

Antibiotics improve outcomes in those with bacterial pneumonia.[25] Initially antibiotic choice depends on the characteristics of the person affected such as age, underlying health, and location the infection was acquired.

In the UK empiric treatment is usually with amoxicillin, erythromycin, or azithromycin for community-acquired pneumonia.[26] In North America, where the "atypical" forms of community-acquired pneumonia are becoming more common, macrolides (such as azithromycin), and doxycycline have displaced amoxicillin as first-line outpatient treatment for community-acquired pneumonia.[13][27] The use of fluoroquinolones in uncomplicated cases is discouraged due to concerns of side effects and resistance.[13] The duration of treatment has traditionally been seven to ten days, but there is increasing evidence that short courses (three to five days) are equivalent.[28] Antibiotics recommended for hospital-acquired pneumonia include third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and vancomycin.[29] These antibiotics are often given intravenously and may be used in combination.

No specific treatments exist for most types of viral pneumonia including SARS coronavirus, adenovirus, hantavirus, and parainfluenza virus with the exception of influenza A and influenza B. Influenza A may be treated with rimantadine or amantadine while influenza A or B may be treated with oseltamivir or zanamivir. These are beneficial only if they are started within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. Many strains of H5N1 influenza A, also known as avian influenza or "bird flu," have shown resistance to rimantadine and amantadine.

There is no evidence to support the use of antibiotics in chemical pneumonitis without bacterial superinfection. If infection is present in aspiration pneumonia, the choice of antibiotic will depend on several factors, including the suspected causative organism and whether pneumonia was acquired in the community or developed in a hospital setting. Common options include clindamycin, a combination of a beta-lactam antibiotic and metronidazole, or an aminoglycoside.[30] Corticosteroids are commonly used in aspiration pneumonia, but there is no evidence to support their use either.

With treatment, most types of bacterial pneumonia can be cleared within two to four weeks.[31] Viral pneumonia may last longer, and mycoplasmal pneumonia may take four to six weeks to resolve completely.[31] The eventual outcome of an episode of pneumonia depends on how ill the person is when he or she is first diagnosed.[31]

In the United States, about one of every twenty people with pneumococcal pneumonia die. In cases where the pneumonia progresses to blood poisoning (bacteremia), just over 20% of sufferers die.[32]

The death rate (or mortality) also depends on the underlying cause of the pneumonia. Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma, for instance, is associated with little mortality. However, about half of the people who develop methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pneumonia while on a ventilator will die.[33] In regions of the world without advanced health care systems, pneumonia is even deadlier. Limited access to clinics and hospitals, limited access to x-rays, limited antibiotic choices, and inability to treat underlying conditions inevitably leads to higher rates of death from pneumonia. For these reasons, the majority of deaths in children under five due to pneumococcal disease occur in developing countries.[34]

Adenovirus can cause severe necrotizing pneumonia in which all or part of a lung has increased translucency radiographically, which is called Swyer-James Syndrome.[35] Severe adenovirus pneumonia also may result in bronchiolitis obliterans, a subacute inflammatory process in which the small airways are replaced by scar tissue, resulting in a reduction in lung volume and lung compliance.[35] Sometimes pneumonia can lead to additional complications. Complications are more frequently associated with bacterial pneumonia than with viral pneumonia. The most important complications include respiratory and circulatory failure and pleural effusions, empyema or abscesses.

Clinical prediction rules
Clinical prediction rules have been developed to more objectively prognosticate outcomes in pneumonia. These rules can be helpful in deciding whether or not to hospitalize the person.

* Pneumonia severity index (or PORT Score)[36] – online calculator
* CURB-65 score, which takes into account the severity of symptoms, any underlying diseases, and age[37] – online calculator

Respiratory and circulatory failure

Pleural effusion. Chest x-ray showing a pleural effusion. The A arrow indicates "fluid layering" in the right chest. The B arrow indicates the width of the right lung. The volume of useful lung is reduced because of the collection of fluid around the lung.

Because pneumonia affects the lungs, often people with pneumonia have difficulty breathing, and it may not be possible for them to breathe well enough to stay alive without support. Non-invasive breathing assistance may be helpful, such as with a bi-level positive airway pressure machine. In other cases, placement of an endotracheal tube (breathing tube) may be necessary, and a ventilator may be used to help the person breathe.

Pneumonia can also cause respiratory failure by triggering acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which results from a combination of infection and inflammatory response. The lungs quickly fill with fluid and become very stiff. This stiffness, combined with severe difficulties extracting oxygen due to the alveolar fluid, create a need for mechanical ventilation.

Sepsis and septic shock are potential complications of pneumonia. Sepsis occurs when microorganisms enter the bloodstream and the immune system responds by secreting cytokines. Sepsis most often occurs with bacterial pneumonia; Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause. Individuals with sepsis or septic shock need hospitalization in an intensive care unit. They often require intravenous fluids and medications to help keep their blood pressure from dropping too low. Sepsis can cause liver, kidney, and heart damage, among other problems, and it often causes death.

Pleural effusion, empyema, and abscess
Occasionally, microorganisms infecting the lung will cause fluid (a pleural effusion) to build up in the space that surrounds the lung (the pleural cavity). If the microorganisms themselves are present in the pleural cavity, the fluid collection is called an empyema. When pleural fluid is present in a person with pneumonia, the fluid can often be collected with a needle (thoracentesis) and examined. Depending on the results of this examination, complete drainage of the fluid may be necessary, often requiring a chest tube. In severe cases of empyema, surgery may be needed. If the fluid is not drained, the infection may persist, because antibiotics do not penetrate well into the pleural cavity.

Rarely, bacteria in the lung will form a pocket of infected fluid called an abscess. Lung abscesses can usually be seen with a chest x-ray or chest CT scan. Abscesses typically occur in aspiration pneumonia and often contain several types of bacteria. Antibiotics are usually adequate to treat a lung abscess, but sometimes the abscess must be drained by a surgeon or radiologist.

Pneumonia is a common illness in all parts of the world. It is a major cause of death among all age groups and is the leading cause of death in children in low income countries.[25] In children, many of these deaths occur in the newborn period. The World Health Organization estimates that one in three newborn infant deaths are due to pneumonia.[38] Globally, over two million children under five years of age die of pneumonia each year, with 90% of these in the developing world. Approximately half of these cases and deaths are theoretically preventable, being caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae - an organism for which a safe and highly effective vaccine is available.[39] Mortality from pneumonia generally decreases as the victim ages until late adulthood, with significant increases in mortality seen in the elderly.

In the United Kingdom, the annual incidence rate of pneumonia is approximately 6 cases per 1000 people in individuals aged 18–39 years. For those over 75 years of age, the incidence rate rises to 75 cases per 1000 people. Roughly 20–40% of individuals who contract pneumonia require hospital admission, with between 5–10% of these admitted to a critical care unit. The case fatality rate in the UK is around 5–10%.[9] In the United States, community-acquired pneumonia affects 5.6 million people per year, and ranks 6th among leading causes of death.[13]

More cases of pneumonia occur during the winter months than at other times of the year. Pneumonia occurs more commonly in males than in females, and more often among Blacks than Caucasians, partly due to quantitative differences in synthesizing Vitamin D after exposure to sunlight. Individuals with underlying chronic illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, and immune system problems as well as tobacco smokers, alcoholics, and individuals who are hospitalized for any reason, are at significantly increased risk of contracting, and having repeated bouts of, pneumonia.


The symptoms of pneumonia were described by Hippocrates (c. 460 BC – 370 BC):

Peripneumonia, and pleuritic affections, are to be thus observed: If the fever be acute, and if there be pains on either side, or in both, and if expiration be if cough be present, and the sputa expectorated be of a blond or livid color, or likewise thin, frothy, and florid, or having any other character different from the common... When pneumonia is at its height, the case is beyond remedy if he is not purged, and it is bad if he has dyspnoea, and urine that is thin and acrid, and if sweats come out about the neck and head, for such sweats are bad, as proceeding from the suffocation, rales, and the violence of the disease which is obtaining the upper hand.[41]

However, Hippocrates referred to pneumonia as a disease "named by the ancients." He also reported the results of surgical drainage of empyemas. Maimonides (1138–1204 AD) observed "The basic symptoms which occur in pneumonia and which are never lacking are as follows: acute fever, sticking [pleuritic] pain in the side, short rapid breaths, serrated pulse and cough."[42] This clinical description is quite similar to those found in modern textbooks, and it reflected the extent of medical knowledge through the Middle Ages into the 19th century.

Bacteria were first seen in the airways of individuals who died from pneumonia by Edwin Klebs in 1875.[43] Initial work identifying the two common bacterial causes Streptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae was performed by Carl Friedländer[44] and Albert Fränkel[45] in 1882 and 1884, respectively. Friedländer's initial work introduced the Gram stain, a fundamental laboratory test still used to identify and categorize bacteria. Christian Gram's paper describing the procedure in 1884 helped differentiate the two different bacteria and showed that pneumonia could be caused by more than one microorganism.[46]

Sir William Osler, known as "the father of modern medicine," appreciated the morbidity and mortality of pneumonia, describing it as the "captain of the men of death" in 1918, as it had overtaken tuberculosis as one of the leading causes of death in his time. This phrase was originally coined by John Bunyan with regard to "consumption" (tuberculosis).[47]

However, several key developments in the 1900s improved the outcome for those with pneumonia. With the advent of penicillin and other antibiotics, modern surgical techniques, and intensive care in the twentieth century, mortality from pneumonia, which had approached 30%, dropped precipitously in the developed world. Vaccination of infants against Haemophilus influenzae type b began in 1988 and led to a dramatic decline in cases shortly thereafter.[48] Vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae in adults began in 1977 and in children began in 2000, resulting in a similar decline.[49]
Society and culture
See also: List of notable pneumonia deaths

Because of the combination of a very high burden of disease in developing countries and a relatively low awareness of the disease in industrialized countries, the global health community has declared November 2 to be World Pneumonia Day, a day for concerned citizens and policy makers to take action against the disease.

